Thursday, 26 May 2011

MIXED MINDED!! this weekend!

Welcome Everyone!
I have been uber creative this week!
This weekend is Mixed Minded in Kitchener. Hosted by my favourite store and website/blog "The Art House Studio"
The owner is Karen Ellis who is also a creative Goddess!! She is constantly inspiring me.
It is because of her I decided to start my blog! Typically on my lunch breaks at work I'm checking out her blog and I decided to fulfill one of my goals for 2011- start my own. To check out Karen's website it is & to check out her awesome Mixed Media workshops for this weekend Both are blogs too!

This week I have taken up a new way to express myself  "ATC"s (Artist Trading Cards) I am trading my one of a kind cards tomorrow night with some new artists I have met via the facebook page for Mixed Minded. My theme for my collection is "BE crafty"
I am very excited to meet fellow like minded artists!
If you make ATC's please send me a message I would love to keep trading these. ATC's are a perfect way to be creative every day!
I still have 2 more to make, I am having so much fun making them that I've been getting to bed wait too late. Time doesn't exist when I'm creating "I'm in the flow"

Does anyone else experience that?

This weekend I am signed up for 4 classes at Mixed Minded!
Tomorrow night I have Resign- Liquid Glass How to work with Bezels and Other Apertures! Carmi Cimicata is the instuctor. 
Each bezel is only one inch big so I need to search my stash for itsy bitsy ephemera. It's going to be hard to limit what I bring to the class. I find if I bring too much I have too much to choose from and I take way to long designing my piece. 

Does anyone else find that happens to them? 

Anyway my work break is over -back to Soldering. I totally love my job! I will post again later today to tell ya all about my other exciting classes this weekend!
Rest assured I will also post my art from this week and weekend!

Take Care!

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