Friday, 24 February 2012

Button Magnets!

I  just designed a new line of button accessories! They are stylish, upcycled and functional!

I combined Antique Jewelery and Vintage Buttons with a magnet on the back.

I  only have 20 available. I will be selling them at my show this Sunday in Guelph. 

(February 26th 2012).

Use these fabulous magnets to decorate your fridge, post a note at work, or even add a pretty touch to

your filing cabinet!

The buttons are from a recently found treasure box of my beloved Grandmother's collection.

I remember playing with these buttons as a child at her house. I spent many hours as a little girl sifting

through buttons admiring their intricacy and tactile feel. I find just handling and admiring buttons can

uplift the spirit.

My show on Sunday is my last scheduled show. It may be your last chance to pick up a piece from this

years collection!

I hope to see you Sunday or email me if you can not make it and see something you like.


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